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L’Etat êtait divisê en apanages, qui n’avaient rien de fixe et qui êtaient gouvernês chacun par son prince sous la suprêmatie du plus ancien de la famille, qui s’appelait grand prince et avait pour apanage Kiev, plus tard Vladimir et Moscou. Le pouvoir du grand prince sur les autres princes êtait très restreint. Ceux-ci reconnaissaient la suprêmatie de Kiev, mais il n’y avait presque aucune dêpendance rêelle, aucune centralisation administrative. Les apanages n’êtaient point envisagês comme des propriêtês individuelles des princes, ils ne. ’un apanage à un autre, en rêunissaient plusieurs à la fois, par voie d’hêritage, ou bien faisaient de leur lot autant de parts qu’ils avaient de fils et d’hêritiers mâles; ou bien encore ils devenaient grands princes selon l’anciennetê (ce n’êtait pas le fils aînê qui succêdait au grand prince, mais le frère de celui-ci). On peut s’imaginer, sans peine, à quelles luttes sanglantes, à quelles contestations êternelles donnait lieu une hêrêditê si compliquêe.
The content of the exam may vary depending on the year. This work discusses the format of tasks from the 2019 exam. Testing the model’s ability to solve problems from the school exam in the subject “Russian language”, as well as output the answer in a predetermined format. The purpose of this exam is to test the skills of proficiency in the norms of the modern Russian literary language and the ability to analyze and carry out information processing of texts. The exam consists of 2 parts. Part 1 contains 26 short-answer tasks, part 2 is aimed at writing an argumentative essay on a literary text. The final set will cover the tasks of Part 1. Each task is aimed at testing individual elements in mastering the Russian language. For correct completion of the tasks of the first part of the work, the exam participant can receive from 0 to 5 points, depending on the type of task. Task 26 belongs to this type.
Testing in general constitutes a separate profession, and often the quality of a software product can be judged by the test coverage of the source code. For example, the code of the SQLite database is 100% covered by tests, while one line of «combative» code requires 608 lines of tests. Jokes aside, projects with 100% coverage are not common, but pytest used wisely is the best guarantor of your sound sleep at night! One of those areas of human knowledge that you can delve into endlessly. On the other hand, the learning curve of this discipline for covering the practical needs of the average programmer has long been known, so the initial stages shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy it so much and drag it out that in time you might even be able to contribute a new robust argument in the discussion of “Equality of P and NP classes”! Learn the general concepts first, and then the specifics of working with specific database management systems.