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May had always understood that a special train was an immensely costly matter. But in her ignorance she was by no means sure that it might not be part of the privileges of a railway director to have special trains run for his service gratis, whensoever he should require them. Which, probably, was precisely what Mr. Bragg desired her to suppose. Heathen called aside the attendant, and held a short colloquy with her in the adjoining room, the result of which was to put the worthy Mrs. Tupp into a . She dashed at a cupboard in the wall and plunged her hand into it, drawing it out again with a battered old black bonnet dangling by one string, as though she had been fishing at a venture and brought up that rather unexpectedly. Further, Mrs. Tupp, with many apologies, took the checked shawl which had been laid over May’s feet and put it on her own shoulders; and then, assuring Mr.

2002. — Т. 360, № 1795. — С. 1227-1244. Архивировано 30 сентября 2009 года. ↑ 1 2 Richards, M. A.; Duncan, R. A.; Courtillot, V. E. Flood Basalts and Hot-Spot Tracks: Plume Heads and Tails (англ.) // Science : journal. 1989. — Vol. 246, no. ↑ Turcotte, D. L.; Schubert, G. 4 // Geodynamics (англ.). ↑ Pollack, Henry N.; Hurter, Suzanne J.; Johnson, Jeffrey R. Heat flow from the Earth’s interior: Analysis of the global data set (англ.) // Reviews of Geophysics : journal. 1993. — August (vol. 31, no. 3). — P. 267-280. — doi:10.1029/93RG01249. ↑ Sclater, John G; Parsons, Barry; Jaupart, Claude. 1981. — Vol. 86, no. B12. — P. 11535. — doi:10.1029/JB086iB12p11535. ↑ Staff. Crust and Lithosphere (неопр.). Plate Tectonics & Structural Geology. The Geological Survey (27 февраля 2004). Дата обращения: 11 марта 2007. Архивировано из оригинала 22 августа 2011 года. А. М. Прохоров. — 3-е изд. А. М. Прохоров. — 3-е изд. ↑ Jordan, T. H. Structural geology of the Earth’s interior // Proceedings National Academy of Science.

Anm. begleitet von Christian von Brockdorff. 2) Institutos de Gaius — traduites en franç. I. С. E. Воulet. Avec de notes. Paris. 1827. 8°. Cp. Изд. 3) Institutos de Gaius traduites et annotées par E. Dоmenget. Paris. 1843. Cp. изд. 4) Institutes de Gaius traduites par С. A. Pellat. Paris. 1844. Cp. 5) Istituzioni di Gajus commentarj quattro testo versione e note. Verona. 1857. cp. изд. 6) die Gajanischen Institutionen — Commentarien übersetzt von Dr. Fr. Lisi. Vol. I il primo commentario. Bologna. 1859. Cp. изд. 8) Instytucye Gaja przepolszczył Dr. Teodor Dydyński. Warszawa. I. II. 1865. Cp. изд. Гая. 9) Institutes de Gaius. Contenant la traduction en regard avec le commentaire par M. L. Dоmenget. Paris. 1866. Cp. изд. 10) Институции Гая с английским переводом изд. Poste. Oxford. 1875. ср. изд. 11) Институции Гая с английским переводом изд. Abdy et Wаlker. Cambridge. 1876. cp. изд. Гая Nr. 12) The institutes of Gajus with translation by James Muirhead.

Tel est le rôle de la Russie depuis Pierre Ier. ’au Bosphore, et qui recule d’un autre côtê jusqu’à l’Ocêan Pacifique. Quel est le sens de ces prêtentions arrogantes — de ces concessions pitoyables? Sont-ce des Huns, qui accourent pour en finir avec Rome et se perdre ensuite parmi les cadavres? Ou, des Osmanlis qui veulent essayer encore une fois, si la chrêtientê occidentale est mûre pour la tombe? Est-ce enfin une catastrophe, un cataclysme, une nuêe de sauterelles, un incident terrible survenu pendant l’entr’acte qui sêpare deux mondes, une de ces apparitions lugubres qui prêcipitent le dênoûment? Ou est-ce dêjà le commencement même d’un ordre de chose nouveau; et les Slaves ne sont-ils pas les anciens Germains, par rapport au monde qui s’en va? Il suffit de la possibilitê de poser une question pareille, pour que tout ce qu’on pourra dire sur ce sujet soit d’un très grand intêrêt.

«How ridiculous to make herself and other people suffer. «What can have made her ill? «She says that, but in reality… «Why did she give you this commission? Tushin looked at him without replying, and his calm silence enraged Mark. Tushin as a mediator, the certain end of his hopes. «Are you her guardian? «That would depend on Vera Vassilievna’s wishes. Mark, «how ridiculous all this is. ’s time. Can I not see Vera-Vassilievna for a minute? «Is any pressure being put upon her? Tushin did not answer in the same tone. «A dismissal. Yes, but that proves nothing. «I think not. She takes counsel with herself before acting. ’t understand Vera Vassilievna. «There is no answer to give. «Why not include the whole town! Vera Vassilievna that your answer will be literally carried out. Tushin frowned slightly, touched his cap, and was gone. Mark’s face was very pale. He was not conscious of any fault. It must have been she herself.

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