» he asked trembling. Paulina Karpovna would not lightly let him out of her hands. «You need not trouble. I was only jesting. Тt or a spy; it was mere curiosity. «Do you know that I am soon leaving? » he asked suddenly. «I heard so; is it true? «Why do you doubt? She dropped her eyes and said nothing. «You will be glad for me to go? The other reason is the arrival of our relative, Boris Pavlovich Raisky. I did hardly anything except hide from him. I hope and wait for. Ah, if only he would go away. That is easy to say, but where? I have denied him every hope. Vera had not left the room, but someone’s hand was on the lock. «Who is there?» asked Raisky with a start. In the doorway appeared Vassilissa’s anxious face. «It’s I,» she said in a low voice. Boris Pavlovich; they are asking for you. Yakob is at church. «Who is asking for me?
Affordable luxury accommodation also caters for more price conscious travellers. Доступное роскошное жилье также обслуживает больше ценящих путешественников. At this point, the customers were becoming more and more price conscious. Рабочие становятся все более и более сознательными. Though during recessions, consumers tend to be more price conscious, spending continues to increase. Несмотря на то, что в периоды рецессии потребители, как правило, более ориентированы на цены, расходы продолжают расти. Это человек, который знает Приморье», — сказал он. Consumers have become far more price-conscious over the past four years and are more actively chasing bargains. В течение последних четырех лет, потребители стали более чувствительны к ценам и более активно отслеживают скидки. Domestic tourists have been more price-conscious over the past few years, and international visitors prefer to spend more on the activities, food or shopping outside of the hotel rather than the room itself. За последние несколько лет отечественные туристы стали более чувствительными к цене, а зарубежные гости предпочитают больше тратить на развлечения, еду или покупки за пределами отеля, а не на проживание».
«And it isn’t so very much money, after all, is it, Granny? » she said, with an air of satisfaction, which Mrs. Dobbs did not quite understand. « it seems a pretty good deal of money to me. «Yes; but it isn’t a, fortune. Mr. Bragg said it wasn’t a fortune. «Oh!» exclaimed Mrs. Dobbs, a light beginning to dawn upon her. « I see. Well, you can’t have the proud satisfaction of marrying him without a penny belonging to you. «Granny, how can you? » And the young arms were round Granny, and the blushing face hidden in Granny’s breast. «Was I ever so foolish about Dobbs, I wonder? » murmured Mrs. Dobbs, as she stroked the girl’s hair. « He was a good-looking young fellow, was Isaac, in our courting days, and a temper like a sunshiny morning, and we were over head and ears in love, I know that; and— yes, I believe I was every bit as soft-hearted and silly, the Lord be praised!
«Do you call a simple straw-coloured blouse elegant? «Good, I will tell you. «Vera, there is no longer any doubt that you have a lover. I do? Why have you confidence in him and not in me? Be careful, my friend. «Who is the man? «HE?» he asked in a dull voice. She approached the precipice, Raisky following close at her heels. «What is the meaning of the shot? «The writer of the blue letter. Then all was still. Volokov, the man under police supervision. «What are you doing here? «Will you try one? She looked at him curiously, but without fear, as she drew back a little. «Who are you?» she said severely. «What can it matter to you who I am. «Aren’t you ashamed to take other people’s apples? «They are my apples, not theirs; they have been stolen from me. Proudhon. But how beautiful you are! «Do you know what Proudhon says?