International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women 2024

The NUJ sends a message of solidarity to women and girls worldwide who experience violence in many forms. All forms of abuse and violence are violations of women’s human rights and an obstacle to achieving equality. This campaign, led by the UN Secretary-General and UN Women since 2008, aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls around the world, calling for global action to increase awareness, promote advocacy and create opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions. More than 5 women or girls are killed every hour by someone in their family. One in three women have been subjected to violence at least once in their lifetime. A survey by UNESCO and the International Centre for Journalists reported that 73 per cent of women journalists who responded said they had experienced online violence, and 20 per cent said they had been attacked or abused offline in connection with online violence they had experienced. The final version of this research carried out by 24 researchers in 16 countries, described the impact of online abuse as having a “chilling effect” on women journalists’ “active participation (along with that of their sources, colleagues and audiences) in public debates”.

The abuse led to journalists removing themselves from social media networks and avoiding reporting on certain subjects. Irene Khan, the UN Rapporteur on freedom of expression, described the silencing of women’s expression as a form of “gendered censorship”. Online abuse can cross over into offline situations. At a conference organised by the International Federation of Journalists last year Julie Posetti, a senior International Centre for Journalists’ researcher and co-author of the Unesco report, said while online abuse has a significant psychological impact, in other cases such as that of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia there was a direct link to her murder. The research found that 41 per cent of the abuse was part of orchestrated disinformation campaigns by government states. The NUJ welcomed the UK’s ratification of the UN treaty ILO 190 in 2021 which recognises “the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment”. Equality Council member, Mindy Ran said: “Trade unions, through umbrella organisations such as the International Trade Union Confederation and the Global Union Federations that include the International Federation of Journalists, lobbied the ILO for more than a decade for this convention.

The UK’s failure to implement this treaty in domestic legislation, leaves workers and freelances especially with inadequate protection or access to justice. The IFJ has published a set of guidelines for media and unions to combat online harassment of women journalists. The NUJ is working with the IFJ to promote ILO Convention 190 on harassment and violence at work. The convention provides a framework and blueprint for unions to use as part of collective bargaining and workplace polices for all workers, freelance and staff and includes domestic abuse. A UK Government survey in 2021 showed that 1 in 3 female journalists in the UK do not feel safe in their job. NUJ members explain how they have been subject to misogynist abuse in a video. Watch the full clip below. The NUJ’s mobile safety app provides instant access to provide information to help women who are experiencing abuse online and in person, and ways to protect and prevent these attacks.

As a member of the National Committee for the Safety of Journalists, the NUJ is spearheading the launch of a tracker so journalists will be able to report incidents of abuse when they occur. IDEVAW day of action to promote awareness of violence against women. As journalists we must all play a vital role in increasing the understanding of violence against women and ask governments why they are failing to protect their nation’s women and girls. As trade unions we must work to make workplaces and work safe for female journalists. The last Delegate Meeting committed the union to: encourage employers to put domestic abuse policies and support mechanisms in place’ provide chapel reps and branches with the tools to lobby employers to put domestic abuse policies in place and know the steps to take should a member disclose abuse; and to encourage all members to look out for each other and endeavour to make our events, branches and chapels safe and inclusive spaces.

The TUC has produced a piece of interactive learning, to explain the extent of domestic violence, who it affects and what union reps can do to help. “As well as protecting women from work-based abuse and harassment, we encourage employers to have policies and processes in place to support women who are experiencing domestic abuse. We know that domestic abuse, including financial abuse, can affect anyone regardless of profession, educational attainment or background. “Domestic abuse rates intensified during the covid-19 pandemic and where hybrid and home working is commonplace, women are presented with fewer opportunities to seek support or sanctuary at work. Domestic abuse can significantly impact on women at work through performance or absence levels. “My branch was a source of personal and professional support for me when I was putting my freelance career back together after fleeing abuse. The NUJ’s campaigning and lobbying highlights the intersectional nature of the abuse and injustice that women journalists experience. Help raise awareness by sharing our resources online on Saturday 25 November.

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