↑ David Lagesse. Engine Of Fun And Profit. ↑ Scott Rosenberg. Yes, there is a better search engine. ↑ а б Joseph Gallivan. Their search is over — Googlers Brin & Page have made their engine the hottest on the Web. ↑ а б в Dominic Rushe. Google: Are they having a giggle? ↑ а б Lev Grossman. ↑ Not Your Ordinary Google Interface. ↑ Google Launches Self-Service Advertising Program. ↑ Google launches small-ads search. ↑ Jan Norman. Top Search Engine Google Uses Rank to Help Online Advertisers Create Own Ads. ↑ а б в г д The rise of Google. ↑ Jason Pontin. Dinner with the mind behind the mind of God. ↑ Paul R. La Monica. Google sets $2.7 billion IPO. ↑ Google Shares Debut on Market. ↑ Google in $3bn debut bond sale. ↑ Google expands its news search engine. ↑ Google launches news page. ↑ Saul Hansell. New Test Site From Google Focuses on Products for Sale.
The CAAs will contain first look requirements and mission outcome goals. HUD will evaluate the bids submitted and determine the successful bids, in terms of the best value to HUD, in its sole and absolute discretion. If a bidder is successful, it will be required to submit a deposit which will be calculated based upon the total dollar value of the bidder’s potential award. Award will be contingent on receiving the deposit in the timeframe outlined in the deposit letter. This notice provides some of the basic terms of sale. The CAAs will be released in the BIP or BIP Supplement, as applicable. These documents provide comprehensive contractual terms and conditions to which eligible bidders will acknowledge and agree. To ensure a competitive bidding process, the terms of the bidding process and the CAAs are not subject to negotiation. Due Diligence Review The BIP describes how eligible bidders may access the due diligence materials remotely via a high-speed internet connection.
A typical siding on the P&WV would look as shown below. The siding is «unbonded» i.e. The western end of the siding forms a standard CTC «Control Point», though the spring switch places it the «Poor Man’s» category. The controlled signals are preceded by approach signals on the line but these do not serve as intermediate block signals. Thus a block reaches all the way from one siding to the next. The eastern end of the siding is a bit more unusual. Here the CTC did away with the main track signals and only kept a dwarf signal in the siding to authorize eastbounds back out on the main (signal 10Ls). A westbound train on the main would therefore have authority to proceed all the way to the western Control Point (CP), signal 12R. With this setup meets have to be executed by the eastbound train taking the siding and the westbound staying on the main. At the point of the eastern switch is a spring switch indicator, indicating by red or green whether the switch is properly lined for the main track.
Returns file information and upload history. How many file revisions to return per file. Timestamp to start listing from. Timestamp to stop listing at. URL to an image scaled to this width will be returned. For performance reasons if this option is used, no more than 50 scaled images will be returned. Version of metadata to use. If latest is specified, use latest version. Defaults to 1 for backwards compatibility. What language to fetch extmetadata in. This affects both which translation to fetch, if multiple are available, as well as how things like numbers and various values are formatted. If translations for extmetadata property are available, fetch all of them. A handler specific parameter string. For example, PDFs might use page15-100px. Когда доступно больше результатов, использовать этот чтобы продолжить. Look only for files in the local repository. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль может быть использован в качестве генератора. Returns all files contained on the given pages.
Similarly, in the evening, the upper edge of the disk disappears several minutes after the geometric disk has passed below the horizon. For observers within a couple of degrees of the equator, the period from sunrise to sunset is always several minutes longer than the night. At higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, the date of equal day and night occurs before the March equinox. Daytime continues to be longer than nighttime until after the September equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates of equal day and night occur before the September equinox and after the March equinox. When are the times and dates of the next equinoxes and solstices? The chart shown below shows the dates and times for the equinoxes and solstices through 2030. Times listed are in Eastern Time. Subtract one hour for Central Time. The answer is YES. However, you can stand an egg on end, with a large amount of patience, on any day of the year.