Remove authentication data for the current user. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль требует права на запись. Этот модуль принимает только Post-запросы. Send a password reset email to a user. Email address of the user being reset. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль требует права на запись. Этот модуль принимает только Post-запросы. Type of revision deletion being performed. Page title for the revision deletion, if required for the type. Identifiers for the revisions to be deleted. What to hide for each revision. What to unhide for each revision. Whether to suppress data from administrators as well as others. Reason for the deletion or undeletion. Tags to apply to the entry in the deletion log. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль требует права на запись. Этот модуль принимает только Post-запросы. Undo the last edit to the page. If the last user who edited the page made multiple edits in a row, they will all be rolled back.
Content model of the new content. Content serialization format used for the input text. Revision ID of the base revision. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль требует права на запись. Этот модуль принимает только Post-запросы. Add or remove change tags from individual revisions or log entries. One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag. One or more revision IDs from which to add or remove the tag. One or more log entry IDs from which to add or remove the tag. Tags to add. Only manually defined tags can be added. Tags to remove. Only tags that are either manually defined or completely undefined can be removed. Reason for the change. Tags to apply to the log entry that will be created as a result of this action. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Get tokens for data-modifying actions. Types of token to request. Этот модуль требует прав на чтение. Этот модуль требует права на запись.
En s’y soumettant, il ne se soumet qu’à la force; l’injustice flagrante d’une partie de la lêgislation l’a amenê au mêpris de l’autre. L’inêgalitê complète devant le tribunal a tuê en lui le germe du respect pour la lêgalitê. Le Russe, à quelque classe qu’il appartienne, enfreint la loi, partout où il peut le faire impunêment; le gouvernement agit de même. C’est pênible et triste pour le moment, mais il y a un avantage immense pour l’avenir. En Russie, derrière l’êtat visible il n’y a pas d’êtat invisible, qui ne soit que l’apothêose, la transfiguration de l’ordre de choses existant, il n’y a pas d’idêal impossible qui ne coïncide jamais avec la rêalitê, tout en la promettant toujours. Il n’y a rien derrière les palissades où une force supêrieure nous tient en êtat de siège. La possibilitê d’une rêvolution en Russie se rêduit à une question de force matêrielle. C’est ce qui fait de ce pays, sans autres causes que celles que nous avons mentionnêes, le sol le mieux prêparê pour une rêgênêration sociale.
This then, is the reason why you have rejected one of the most brilliant prospects! Are you aware, Mr. She caught herself up hastily, and changed her phrase—“ might have prevented Miss Cheffing- ton from obtaining one of the most splendid establishments in England? «Aunt Pauline!» cried May with hot indignation. « How can you say so? I would never have thought of marrying Mr. Bragg, even if Owen had not existed! Mrs. Dormer-Smith, ignoring the interruption, « your pretensions would have been quite inadmissible. You have heard of the death of my poor cousin Lucius. You had probably calculated on it. I do not mean to bring any special accusation against you there. Of course, in the case of a person of poor dear Lucius’s social importance all sorts of calculations were made by all sorts of people. My brother Augustus is now the next heir to the family title and estates.