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La grande majoritê des êmancipateurs dêsiraient l’êmancipation, non seulement parce qu’ils en comprenaient la justice, mais aussi parce qu’ils en voyaient la nêcessitê. Ils voulaient rêgler l’êmancipation à temps pour rêduire au minimum les pertes. Ils voulaient prendre l’initiative pendant qu’ils avaient le pouvoir. S’opposer et rester les bras croisês êtait le moyen le plus sûr de voir l’empereur ou le peuple entrer dans la voie pour ne s’arrêter qu’à l’expropriation. Le ministre des domaines publics, Kissêloff, le reprêsentant de l’êmancipation dans le sein du gouvernement et le ministre de l’intêrieur Pêrofski, qui a tuê l’oukase du 2 avril par ses commentaires, recevaient des projets de toutes les parties de l’empire. Bons ou mauvais, ces projets dêcelaient une grande prêoccupation du pays. A travers toute la divergence d’opinions et de vues, à travers toute la diffêrence de position, d’intêrêt de localitê, un principe êtait admis sans contestation. Ni le gouvernement, ni la noblesse, ni le peuple ne pensaient à êmanciper les paysans sans leurs terres.

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«You do, do you? » answered Mrs. Dobbs, who had listened with much composure to this attack. « Well, I’m not likely to quarrel with you for that. But you needn’t worry yourself about May. I think I understand the case pretty well. If you doubt it, just try sympathizing with her, and telling her you think Mr. Rivers behaved bad and thoughtless. You’ll see how pleased she’ll be with you, and what a lot of gratitude you’ll get for taking her part. Mr. Weather head, on reflection, did not try it. The unexpected legacy from Lucius Cheffing- ton to his cousin was hailed by Mrs. Dobbs with heartfelt thankfulness. May’s account of it at first was a very vague one. She had only imperfectly heard Mr. Bragg’s communication in the railway carriage. And, indeed, at that moment, it had seemed to her an affair of very- secondary importance. But now, when it occurred to her that this money would render them so independent as to put it out of the question for Owen to have to seek his fortune in South America, or any other distant part of the world, she was as elated by it as the best regulated mind could desire.

He breathed a sigh, a very quiet sigh, of relief. The hour appointed for the station’s first official transmission arrived. Hooper took his seat at the keying position and began transmitting his message. To his astonishment the huge relay key obeyed the commands of its tiny counterpart, and the transmitter was on the air. The Federal engineers, assisted by the station personnel, had labored long into the night checking and rectifying, rechecking and testing. One minute passed with no reply being received. Two minutes passed and then the operator, connected by wire line to the receiver at the remote receiving station, commenced writing. In another minute he handed Hooper a folded message which he, in turn, handed the mayor for that dignitary to read aloud to the assemblage. As the mayor read, Hooper secretly checked it with the advance copy. Upon his return to Washington, Hooper was directed to the Secretary. Meanwhile, construction of the stations at Pearl Harbor and Cavite was proceeding.

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