Funny Road Signs from Around the world! Most road signs you come across are straightforward. They tell you what to do, whick direction to go in, where you are, etc., but occasionally ( and usually unintentionally), road signs can be funny! Taking pictures of funny road signs while traveling is a favorite pastime for many travelers. We’ve all come across these gems: a miswritten translation; an unusual warning; or an illustration that just doesn’t seem right. It might be an offcial highway sign or something written on a shop window. All are perfect for adding to your travel photo album and sharing with friends. And oftentimes, photographic evidence of such a sign not only makes a great souvenir, but also serves as proof for doubtful folks back home. Here’re a few funny road signs found from various parts of the world — they’re all real road signs. I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to add your own captions to the pictures. It seems that this is a real possibility around Ireland’s Dingle Peninsula. After all, the authorities put up a warning sign, picturing a car flying headfirst into the sea. And that sign, pictured against an actual cliff in the background, makes a great travel photo.
«Do you call a simple straw-coloured blouse elegant? «Good, I will tell you. «Vera, there is no longer any doubt that you have a lover. I do? Why have you confidence in him and not in me? Be careful, my friend. «Who is the man? «HE?» he asked in a dull voice. She approached the precipice, Raisky following close at her heels. «What is the meaning of the shot? «The writer of the blue letter. Then all was still. Volokov, the man under police supervision. «What are you doing here? «Will you try one? She looked at him curiously, but without fear, as she drew back a little. «Who are you?» she said severely. «What can it matter to you who I am. «Aren’t you ashamed to take other people’s apples? «They are my apples, not theirs; they have been stolen from me. Proudhon. But how beautiful you are! «Do you know what Proudhon says? «Anyway, you have heard it. «You are not a boy, and yet you steal apples.
Наличие такой среды с водой, камнями и водной жизнью создает подходящую среду обитания, благоприятную для процветания птицы.», «original»: «The large white bird, possibly a stork or egret, is walking through shallow water in a pond surrounded by rocks. It is likely that the bird is in this type of environment to search for food. These birds generally feed on aquatic animals such as fish, amphibians, and insects found in shallow waters. The long neck of the bird allows it to reach underwater and grab prey efficiently. The rocks may also provide shelter and perches for the bird to rest between feeding sessions. Сколько коров на картинке? How many cows are there in the image? В каком состоянии находится поле, на котором стоят коровы? What is the condition of the field where the cows are standing? В изображении есть деревья? Are there any trees in the image? Каковы возможные причины отсутствия травы на поле?
Миф об экономных покупателях была подчеркнута в трех конкретных вопросах. Consumers have greater choice and are very price-conscious. Потребители имеют колоссальный выбор и крайне чувствительны к ценам. I’m price conscious too, and burritos can be expensive. Я тоже стараюсь экономить а буррито нынче дорогие. Price-conscious shoppers are drawn to the grey market for affordable gadgets and accessories. Покупатели, заботящиеся о цене, привлекаются серым рынком из-за доступных гаджетов и аксессуаров. That’s a huge shift from the price conscious shoppers of the past. Это огромный сдвиг от бережливых покупателей прошлого, ориентированных на цены. The traditional US airlines had trouble competing against these price-conscious companies. У традиционных авиакомпаний США были проблемы с конкуренцией с этими компаниями, ориентирующимися на цены. Three star hotels are ideal for price conscious organisers and additional options for accommodation in large numbers. Трехзвездочные отели идеально подходят для рациональных организаторов, также есть большое количество дополнительных опций для размещения. Sometimes the price cut may be psychological simply to promote the product and attract the customer who is price-conscious.
In the image, the snowboarder is airborne while grabbing his board, which poses a risk of falling incorrectly and injuring himself. Common injuries during snowboarding stunts can range from minor bruises, sprains, and fractures to more severe head, spinal, or neck injuries. Additionally, the presence of another person looking on implies that there might be others sharing the same area, increasing the risk of collision if the snowboarder loses control. В чем может быть причина того, что мужчина лежит на земле рядом с багажом? What could be the reason for the man laying on the ground next to the luggage? Без конкретного контекста неизвестно, но может быть несколько причин, по которым человек лежит на земле рядом с багажом. Возможно, он ждет транспорт, такой как такси или автобус, и он может отдыхать или делать перерыв из-за усталости. В качестве альтернативы, человек может быть на телефонном звонке, лежа на земле, общаясь с кем-то, чтобы сообщить свое местоположение или решить срочный вопрос.