We use TreeMap Charts for demonstrating the hierarchical data. They usually look like a table with cells of different width and height. TreeMap Charts remind of Heat Map Charts, but the last ones cannot process the data which items are somehow ranked by the level. This Chart demonstrates 1000 best companies in 25 industries. The highest level demonstrate the cells representing industries, and the cells representing companies are slightly visible through them, so the industries’ cells are colored due to their companies’ revenue. Labels show the name of the industry, and the tooltips show the whole revenue that was earned by all companies in this industry. By clicking the industry cell the next level will open and demonstrate the companies belong to the chosen industry. All cells are colored according to the revenue they got. Labels demonstrate only the company name and the tooltips show the revenue and the city where this company is placed.
We are here to provide great gaming tech to satisfy even greater ambition! Microinvest is a non-banking lending company with foreign capital, which offers loans to individuals and entrepreneurs from Republic of Moldova.We are seeking a highly skilled and versatile Senior Web Developer to join our team. While the ideal candidate will have extensive experience in WordPress development, we also welcome candidates experienced with other CMS platforms (e.g., Joomla, Drupal, Shopify). Suntem în căutare de Android Developer pentru proiectul de dezvoltare a aplicațiilor Android POS pentru persoane fizice și juridice.Alătură-te echipei noastre inovatoare și contribuie la dezvoltarea aplicațiilor maib! Suntem în căutarea unui programator pasionat și talentat în Node.js care să se alăture echipei noastre energice. Dacă ești o persoană creativă, cu o dorință puternică de a dezvolta soluții inovatoare și ai o experiență solidă în crearea de aplicații web folosind Node.js, ne-ar face plăcere să te avem alături! О компании iDomus Company iDomus Company является ведущей инновационной компанией Республики Молдова в области Smart City, Smart Building и Smart Home.
On a more personal note, sorry I’m unable to make it to Vienna this year; it would have been nice to talk about things face to face. We’ll see about next year. Improvements — Adjust DMI match table for Framework Laptop for improving maintainabilities for both legacy and new models. IOMMU Updates for Linux v6.12 Including: — Core changes: — Allow ATS on VF when parent device is identity mapped. Optimize unmap path on ARM io-pagetable implementation. ARM-SMMU changes: — SMMUv2: — Devicetree binding updates for Qualcomm MMU-500 implementations. Extend workarounds for broken Qualcomm hypervisor to avoid touching features that are not available (e.g. SMMUv3: — Support for NVIDIA’s custom virtual command queue hardware. Fix Stage-2 stall configuration and extend tests to cover this area. A bunch of driver cleanups, including simplification of the master rbtree code. Plus minor cleanups and fixes across both drivers. Batched IOTLB/dev-IOTLB invalidation. — Small code refactoring and cleanups. AMD-Vi changes: — Cleanup and refactoring of io-pagetable code.
Les ambassadeurs de Novgorod dirent à Ivan III: «Tu nous ordonnes de nous conformer aux lois de Moscou, mais nous ne connaissons pas les lois de Moscou, apprends-nous à les connaître». Ivan IV n’oublia pas cette ironie. Après le sac de Novgorod, après la prise de Pskov, après l’asservissement de Tver, les autres villes ne purent même pas penser à une rêsistance sêrieuse, d’autant plus qu’elles avaient beaucoup souffert des invasions soit des Mongols, soit des Polonais ou des Lithuaniens. Les vêtchês s’êteignaient les uns après les autres, un silence profond gagnait tout l’Etat, les tzars devenaient autocrates, omnipotents… Le byzantinisme inoculê par le clergê au pouvoir restait pourtant plus à la surface qu’il ne dêpravait le fond de la nation. Il n’êtait en rapport ni avec le caractère national, ni même avec le gouvernement.Le byzantinisme, c’est la vieillesse, la fatigue, la rêsignation de l’agonie; le peuple russe êtait ruinê, abaissê, il n’avait pas assez d’ênergie pour se relever, mais il êtait jeune, et, en rêalitê, il n’y avait pas en lui de dêsespoir, il avait plutôt dêsertê le champ de bataille qu’il n’avait êtê vaincu; perdant ses droits dans les villes, il les conservait au sein des communes rurales.