Use the interface dial to make and enter selections. Use the interface dial to make and enter selections. Standard message rates apply. This feature is limited while the vehicle is moving. Use the interface dial to make and enter selections. BASIC AUDIO OPERATION iPod OR USB FLASH DRIVE Operate basic controls of your audio system using various and convenient methods. Play audio files from your compatible iPod or USB flash drive through your vehicle’s audio system. Playing Audio Files Select the iPod or USB icon from Source. HARD DISC DRIVE (HDD) AUDIO SONG BY VOICE (SBV) Record CDs onto your vehicle’s hard disc drive. Songs are automatically recorded once a Play songs from your iPod and HDD from most screens by using simple voice CD is inserted into the disc slot. Access music and information programming, location-based services, and social media through your vehicle’s audio system. Download the HondaLink app to your phone from system. Standard data rates apply. Play stored or streaming audio from your compatible phone through your vehicle’s audio Program your vehicle to operate up to three remote-controlled devices around your system.
The figure below illustrates some simple nodes (including some property types) and properties, illustrating that how properties can be attached to property types. This self-description allows MCF to be its own schema definition language. This in turn allows MCF to be dynamically extended by an author or application. A node can either be a primitive data type or a «Unit». The primitive data types are the same as the Java primitive data types. In addition, a DATE type should be supported by the low-level MCF machinery, because it is tricky to implement (beyond the reach of regexps, for example) and yet commonly available in operating system and compiler libraries, e.g. The concept of «Unit» corresponds loosely to the Java concept of «Object». A small set of units with predefined semantics are assumed to exist in order to bootstrap the type system. These names are reserved in MCF and may not be used for any purpose other than that given here. Specifically, these are, typeOfthis is the PropertyType used to specify that the given object is of a certain type.
La prêcipitation avec laquelle ces diffêrentes classes se dêpouillèrent de leurs mœurs fut surprenante. Elles abdiquèrent leur passê sans aucune opposition; les strêlitz seuls tentèrent de rêsister. C’est là une preuve de la mobilitê du caractère russe, et, en même temps, de l’extrême opportunitê de la rêvolution de Pierre le Grand. On êtait enchantê de quitter les formes lourdes et accablantes du rêgime moscovite. D’où venait donc la rêcalcitrance du paysan russe? Les paysans forment la partie la moins progressiste de toutes les nations; en outre, les paysans russes des communes restaient hors du mouvement et des atteintes du gouvernement. La centralisation politique n’êtait pas soutenue par une centralisation administrative. Les mesures prises pour entraver la migration des paysans n’intêressaient que ceux d’entre eux qui êtaient êtablis sur les terres seigneuriales, ou plutôt la minoritê remuante qui se dêplaèait. La rêforme de Pierre se prêsenta à eux non seulement comme un attentat à leurs traditions et à leur manière de vivre, mais encore comme une immixtion de l’Etat dans leurs affaires, comme une tracasserie bureaucratique, comme une aggravation vague et indêfinie de leur servitude.
Section 3 License Conditions. Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions. Attribution. — 1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must: — A. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material: — i. Section 4 Sui Generis Database Rights. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database. Section 5 Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability. Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, the Licensor offers the Licensed Material as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Licensed Material, whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable.
Then, indeed, Pauline felt that Providence had decided against her brother, and that her own duty to society lay plain and clear before her. During the following year or two she suffered considerable persecution in the shape of appeals for money from Augustus. The first were in à haughty strain, but before long they sank into the whine of the regular begging-letter writer. But her husband, finding the case hopeless, forbade her to give any more, and, as far as hé could, prevented Augustus’s letters from reaching her. Captain Cheffington then brought his wife to London. He had little fear of his creditors, having by this time sunk so low as not to be worth powder and shot. He got his wife engaged, under her real name, at a music-hall of the third class, and caused paragraphs to be inserted in sundry sporting and theatrical prints to the effect that «the Mrs. Augustus Cheffington, whose Italian bravura-singing was so successful a feature in the nightly entertainment, » etc., etc., was the niece by marriage of a peer of the realm-Viscount Castlecombe of Combe Park; and he furnished his relations liberally with copies of these papers.