86/mm branch from: Updates for x86 memory management: — Make LAM enablement safe vs. CR3 and therefore not enable LAM causing faults in user space when using tagged pointers. Cure it by synchronizing LAM enablement via IPIs to all CPUs which use the related mm. Cure a LAM harmless inconsistency between CR3 and the state during context switch. It’s both confusing and prone to lead to real bugs — Handle alt stack handling for threads which run with a non-zero protection key. The non-zero key prevents the kernel to access the alternate stack. Cure it by temporarily enabling all protection keys for the alternate stack setup/restore operations. IDT fault handler is replaced by the real fault handler. The real fault handler retrieves the faulting address from the stack frame and not from CR2 when the FRED feature is set. But that obviously only works when FRED is enabled in the CPU as well. 86/core branch from: -17 Enable UBSAN traps for x86, which provides better reporting through metadata encodeded into UD1.
Performance with an element of construction usually involves my building something «onsite» as passers-by watch (and ask questions). This is often done at tradeshows for particular company booths or at museums where the clients want to wow visitors. As with basic building projects, fees for speaking engagements are negotiated on an individual basis; each job is unique. Interested parties are encouraged to approach me with any other ideas they may have. I am always open to new suggestions (after building a giant LEGO mosaic while standing on a billboard above Sunset Boulevard, nothing seems too insane). I will consider all serious inquiries. That said, one should remember that I reserve the right to decline an offer for any reason whatsoever (personal or business). Rarely do I have to turn down jobs that are truly intriguing, but I cannot guarantee my involvement in every potential project that comes my way. But if you have any idea, let’s talk. LEGO® and related marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of The LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize, nor endorse this site.
8) . as these converge to change the shed behind the shuttle. The flexi25 bility of the feeler 24 allows it readily to conform to the curvature of the shed. Owing to the contact of the sheets of warp threads A, B with the rear end of the feeler 24, and the relative motion between the warps and 30 the feeler, there is a tendency for the feeler to be urged rearwardly away from the shuttle. This tendency is resisted by the weft thread 25 which, while progressing from the weft-spool 26 to the fell of the fabric 27, is engaged by a hook 28 35 formed in the feeler 24, the weft being guided through the hook 28 by guides 29, 30, which are attached to the rear end of the tube 2 1. So long as the weft thread 25 remains unbroken the feeler 24 is restrained thereby against’rearward mo40 tion and is retained within the tube 2 1, the rear end of the feeler not extending so far from the shuttle as to prevent the warp sheets A and B forming a new shed for the next succeeding shuttle.
Ceci est tellement vrai, que chaque individualitê ênergique qui occupa le trône de Moscou, s’efforèa de rompre le cercle êtroit de formalisme dans lequel se trouvait placê son pouvoir. Ivan IV, Boris Godounoff, le pseudo-Dêmêtrius travaillèrent, avant Pierre Ier, à changer l’atmosphère soporifique et lourde du palais de Kremlin; ils suffoquaient eux-mêmes. Ils voyaient que, sous ee rêgime de formalitês puêriles et d’esclavage rêel, le pays se dêmoralisait de plus en plus, que rien ne progressait, que l’administration provinciale devenait toujours plus onêreuse pour les sujets, sans aucun profit pour l’Etat. Ils voyaient que les prières du patriarche de Moscou et les images miraculeuses venant du mont Athos ne suffisaient pas pour les tirer de cet êtat de torpeur prêcoce. Ivan le Terrible osa appeler à son aide les institutions communales; il rêdigea son code dans le sens des anciennes franchises: il laissa la perception des impôts et toute l’administration des provinces à des fonctionnaires êlectifs, il agrandit les attributions du jury en lui soumettant les procès criminels, et en exigeant son assentiment pour tout emprisonnement.
L’empereur Nicolas se pâmait de rire en assistant aux reprêsentations du Rêviseur! Le poète, dêsespêrê de n’avoir produit que cette auguste hilaritê et le rire suffisant des employês, parfaitement identiques avec ceux qu’il a reprêsentês, quoique plus protêgês par la censure, crut devoir expliquer, dans une introduction, que sa comêdie est non seulement très risible mais encore très triste, — „qu’il y a dês larmes chaudes derrière son sourire“. Après le Rêviseur, Gogol se tourna vers la noblesse campagnarde, et mit au grand jour cette population inconnue qui se tient derrière les coulisses, loin des chemins et. Russie de gentillâtres, qui, sans bruit, tout au soin de leurs terres, couvent une corruption plus profonde que celle de l’Occident. Nous les vîmes, enfin, grâce à Gogol, quitter leurs manoirs, leurs maisons seigneuriales, et dêfiler devant nous sans masque, sans fard, toujours ivres et voraces, esclaves du pouvoir sans dignitê, et tyrans de leurs serfs sans compassion; suèant la vie et le sang du peuple avec le naturel et la naïvetê de l’enfant qui se nourrit du sein de sa mère.