Поклонники азартных игр не смогут в ближайшую неделю сорвать куш в мировой столице казино — Макао. Местным жителям и гостям города велено сидеть дома (или в гостиничных номерах) и беречь деньги, пока власти борются с ростом заболеваемости COVID-19. Кроме казино Макао закрывает магазины, торговые центры, салоны красоты и другие общественные места. На прошлой неделе приостановили работу кинотеатры, бары и рестораны. Исключение составят аптеки и супермаркеты, куда жителям бывшей португальской колонии разрешили ходить только по особой необходимости. На прошлой неделе власти закрыли отель Grand Lisboa, в котором расположено одно из крупнейших казино Макао. В ковидной ловушке оказались около 500 постояльцев — их отправили на карантин из-за 13 случаев коронавируса, выявленных у сотрудников и гостей отеля. Традиционно в Макао стекаются богачи, чтобы попытать удачу в рулетке или на многочисленных автоматах. Игорный бизнес «Лас-Вегаса Востока» приносит в 7 раз больше доходов, чем все казино его американского «коллеги», и играет ключевую роль в экономике Макао. Эпидемия коронавируса и антиковидные меры сильно ударили по благосостоянию граждан, одна пятая которых работает в сфере азартного туризма.
What is rubberbanding, and how does it affect my Dragon Saga experience? Rubberbanding is one of the major problems most gamers encounter when playing online games. This is extremely annoying, especially with Dragon Saga and online games with optimized-paced ‘twitch’ mechanics. Rubberbanding is a term used to describe a player’s random or jerky movement in a multiplayer game when they’re experiencing high latency. This often occurs in FPS or similar games that have a large number of people per multiplayer server. It is mostly seen in MMOs — a large number of players means there are more cases of rubber banding; either the server is overloaded, or players have high ping. When rubberbanding happens, a player appears to be thrown backward from the start of the action after they executed that certain action. It feels like being caught in a rubberband — players get thrown back after moving forward, making it look like your character teleported or warped from one place to another.
This rubberbanding problem is extremely frustrating, especially when you are in a crucial stage of the game. You’re hiding from your enemy and just about ready to shoot. Then for just a couple of seconds, you suddenly appear in front of the enemy and… BAM! You’re the one who gets shot and killed instead. This is the rubberband effect in action. Your action may also appear differently to other players. While you see it as a rubberbanding effect, other players may see your character as idle or motionless, which is commonly seen on players who are experiencing heavy lag. Rubberbanding is confusing for you and your opponents, and it definitely takes the fun out of the game. How do I fix rubberbanding in Dragon Saga? Rubberbanding in online games like Dragon Saga is caused by different factors. You might think this is because of your network connection or your ISP — although this can be true, that is not always the case.
Rubberbanding can also be caused by improper installation of the game or if your game has corrupted files. Having old drivers installed in your PC (specifically for your graphics card and/or network adapter) can also be one of the causes. If you are connected through a WiFi connection instead of a wired connection, chances are you may likely to experience a rubberbanding problem. Another potential rubberbanding cause is a poor internet connection. It’s always worth having a conversation with your ISP to see if they offer a dedicated gaming bundle, especially if they offer wtfast as a built-in value bundle. Ask your ISP if they bundle wtfast with their gaming package. So how can you fix this rubberbanding problem with Dragon Saga? Here is a simple guide to do this. First, take note that we will only show you general fixes for this problem. It may have a little or a significant impact to you depending on different factors or variables.
However, these fixes have been proven to work for different players, so we can say that they are worth trying. As mentioned in a previous tip, rubberbanding can be a result of improper installation of the game. You may want to try reinstalling your game, along with any external gaming launcher (like Steam), to see if your problem is fixed. Other than that, you may want to update the drivers of your graphics card and network adapter to see if there will be any major differences to your gaming experience. Try to switch to a wired connection instead of a wireless one. You can do this by using an ethernet cable and connect it to your router. This will eliminate packet loss which is one of the major causes of rubberbanding. If the same problem still occurs, you should definitely consider using a network enhancement program. Supporting over 72 billion potential combinations of game, game server region, country, and proxy routes, you’ll definitely find a combination that is suitable for you.