This event must not bubble, must not be cancelable, and has no default action. 1. Run any unloading document visibility change steps for Document that are defined by other applicable specifications. This is specifically intended for use by the Page Visibility specification. Unload event: Fire a simple event named unload at the Document’s Window object. Decrease the event loop’s termination nesting level by one. Release the storage mutex. If any event listeners were triggered by the earlier unload event step, then set the Document object’s salvageable state to false. Run any unloading document cleanup steps for Document that are defined by this specification and other applicable specifications. If this algorithm was invoked by another instance of the «unload a document» algorithm (i.e. Let descendants be the list of the descendant browsing contexts of the Document. Unload the active document of the browsing context b with the recycle parameter set to false.
Similarly, user agents should allow the user to authenticate (in a non-modal fashion) against authentication challenges included in other responses such as HTTP 200 OK responses, effectively allowing resources to present HTTP login forms without requiring their use. Let type be the sniffed type of the resource. If the user agent has been configured to process resources of the given type using some mechanism other than rendering the content in a browsing context, then skip this step. Follow the steps given in the HTML document section, and abort these steps. XML type Follow the steps given in the XML document section. If that section determines that the content is not to be displayed as a generic XML document, then proceed to the next step in this overall set of steps. Otherwise, abort these steps. Follow the steps given in the plain text file section, and abort these steps. Follow the steps given in the multipart/x-mixed-replace section, and abort these steps.
Report of the Secretary of Labor’s advisory committee on the elimination of pneumoconiosis among coal mine workers. Recommendation Nos. 8 and 17. — Arlington, VA: U.S. ↑ а б в Volkwein JC, Vinson RP, McWilliams LJ, Tuchman DP, Mischler SE. Performance of a New Personal Respirable Dust Monitor for Mine Use. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Pittsburgh, PA, 2004. — (DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. ↑ David D. Lauriski. ↑ ISO 7708:1995. Air quality: particle size fraction definitions for health-related sampling. International Organization for Standardization. ↑ Sidney C. Soderholm. Proposed international conventions for particle size-selective sampling // The British Occupational Hygiene Society The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1989. — Т. 33, № 3. — С. ↑ David L. Bartley, Chih-Chieh Chen, Ruiguang Song & Thomas J. Fischbach. Respirable aerosol sampler performance testing // AIHA & ACGIH American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal.
The roadmap is very easy to use. Just as you would in a normal text, go from left to right and from top to bottom. If you’re just starting to learn Python, follow the green sections of the roadmap. If your accumulated experience, curiosity, or necessity pushes you deeper, start exploring the sections marked in gray. Orange marks the topics that require in-depth study, those are better to tackle (at least without digging especially deep to begin with) on the third pass. This article definitely contains mistakes and inaccuracies of different calibers, and of course, many required subsections are missing; so, if you notice any of these, feel free to comment, and if you feel the Force, you’re welcome to fork the GitHub repository with the roadmap’s source code and contribute whatever you feel is necessary; all corrections and additions are strongly encouraged. It also contains all the parts of the map in Mermaid diagram format, as well as png/svg illustrations.