Create the space for your new colleagues to ask about the way things are done as well. Make unspoken assumptions explicit. Many organizations rely on organic ways of communicating shared history and norms. Whether virtually or not, memorializing a company’s history in videos, in the “about us” section of your website, and in documents can help accelerate a process that might otherwise take longer to capture over a series of many interactions with longstanding members of the organization. Even if it feels awkward, explicit guidance around norms that are often taken for granted — the company’s tone and level of formality, dress code, virtual etiquette on videoconferences, messaging norms, and working hours — can be helpful. Don’t leave new employees to guess at these issues; doing so can create ambiguity and stress. Designate a culture buddy. Assigning an individual whom the new employee can go to with questions about the culture can be especially effective. The buddy might debrief after an important group discussion, flagging to the new employee on actions that aren’t in line with the culture or how his or her style may be perceived by others.
• Convenient Recording: Easily add high-quality voice-overs to make your videos more lively in minutes. • Speed Curve: Adjust the playback speed of your videos with VN’s Speed Curve, similar to Adobe Premiere Pro’s Time Remapping. Choose from 6 preset curves to make your videos play faster or slower. • Transitions & Effects: Make your videos more lively by using transitions and effects such as overlay and blur and setting their timing and speed. • Rich Filters: Import LUT (.cube) files to make your videos more cinematic. Rich cinematic filters make it easy to create stunning visual effects. • Keyframe Animation: Elevate your videos with 19 built-in keyframe animation effects. Customize your footage by adding additional keyframes or curves for a truly unique result. • Reverse & Zoom: Have fun reversing your video clips and adding engaging zoom effects for a novel and exciting experience. • Freeze Frame: Create a time freeze effect simply by selecting and tapping a video frame to generate an image within 1.5 seconds.
WARNING! This is the deprecated version. The new MERA datasets are now here! MERA (Multimodal Evaluation for Russian-language Architectures) is a new open benchmark for the Russian language for evaluating fundamental models. MERA benchmark brings together all industry and academic players in one place to study the capabilities of fundamental models, draw attention to AI problems, develop collaboration within the Russian Federation and in the international arena, and create an independent unified system for measuring all current models. The benchmark covers 21 evaluation tasks comprising knowledge about the world, logic, reasoning, AI ethics, and other domains. Each task is supplied with a dataset and a human-level score on this task. NB that 4 datasets are diagnostic and not used in the overall model evaluation. The balanced sequence is an algorithmic task from BIG-bench. The primary purpose of this task is to measure language models’ ability to learn CS algorithmic concepts like stacks, recursion, or dynamic programming.
Il prêsente même un singulier exemple de l’influence du milieu, selon la thêorie de Darwin: c’est à peine si dans ses veines coulent quelques gouttes de sang russe, et cependant il s’est identifiê avec ce peuple au point que tout en lui, le langage, les habitudes, l’allure, la physionomie même sont marquês des signes distinct ifs de la race. Partout, en le voyant, on nommerait sa patrie. On a prêtendu qu’il dêtestait les Allemands. Mais on a confondu les Allemands d’Allemagne avec les Allemands de Russie: ce sont ces derniers qu’il n’aime point. On a affirmê qu’il chêrissait la France avant toutes les nations. Le chauvinisme franèais a peut-être exagêrê. Avant 1870, il avait montrê des sentiments très libêraux; il paraissait l’alliê de coeur des rêpublicains franèais. Là-dedans entrait surtout une rêpulsion manifeste pour l’empereur Napolêon, dont la duplicitê, les habitudes de ruse et d’intrigue blessaient tous ses instincts loyaux. Mais quand la Commune est arrivêe, une colère indignêe lui vint contre tous les faiseurs de rêvolutions sanguinaires; et il rêpêta à plusieurs reprises, avec une sorte de regret sur ses convictions êvanouies: «Voilà donc à quoi ces choses aboutissent!
Here ensued a pause. «It is some- time since we met, Mrs. «It’s over a twelvemonth since you called at my house in Friar’s Row, Mr. Oh! Yes. Of course. Because she wishes to avoid you. And, moreover, I shall take immediate steps to inform Captain Cheffington of your behaviour. It is Mrs. Hadlow’s nephew; Mr. Miss Cheffington is to be congratulated, indeed! Captain Cheffington will, no doubt, be delighted at the alliance you have contrived for his daughter! Mr. Owen Rivers! A clerk in Mr. Bragg’s counting-house—which, however, is probably the most respectable occupation he has ever followed! Mr. Owen Rivers, whose name is scandalously connected throughout Oldchester with that of the person you were so kind as to recommend to my good offices just now! A person whose conduct disgraces my family, and dishonours my father’s memory! But Conny entirely disabused me of any such notion. She said that, in the first place, nothing was farther from Lucius’s thoughts than love-making; and that, in the second place, it would have been a most imprudent marriage for her, since she could only expect to be speedily left a widow with a very slender jointure.