Действительно ли галлюцинируют большие языковые модели?

«You do, do you? » answered Mrs. Dobbs, who had listened with much composure to this attack. « Well, I’m not likely to quarrel with you for that. But you needn’t worry yourself about May. I think I understand the case pretty well. If you doubt it, just try sympathizing with her, and telling her you think Mr. Rivers behaved bad and thoughtless. You’ll see how pleased she’ll be with you, and what a lot of gratitude you’ll get for taking her part. Mr. Weather head, on reflection, did not try it. The unexpected legacy from Lucius Cheffing- ton to his cousin was hailed by Mrs. Dobbs with heartfelt thankfulness. May’s account of it at first was a very vague one. She had only imperfectly heard Mr. Bragg’s communication in the railway carriage. And, indeed, at that moment, it had seemed to her an affair of very- secondary importance. But now, when it occurred to her that this money would render them so independent as to put it out of the question for Owen to have to seek his fortune in South America, or any other distant part of the world, she was as elated by it as the best regulated mind could desire.

License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation. Work and to communicate to the public those public recitations, by any means or process, including by wire or wireless means or public digital performances; to make available to the public Works in such a way that members of the public may access these Works from a place and at a place individually chosen by them; to perform the Work to the public by any means or process and the communication to the public of the performances of the Work, including by public digital performance; to broadcast and rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images. Work by any means including without limitation by sound or visual recordings and the right of fixation and reproducing fixations of the Work, including storage of a protected performance or phonogram in digital form or other electronic medium.

Just a thought Liz. Did you actually have WF open when you tried it? Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated. Thanks for your reply. I did have the WF toolbar open inside my test doc, if that’s what you mean. Del, unless there is an open segment. That’s why I wondered if it might be a laptop vs tabletop keyboard configuration issue. Thanks for your reply. I did have the WF toolbar open inside my test doc, if that’s what you mean. Del, unless there is an open segment. That’s why I wondered if it might be a laptop vs tabletop keyboard configuration issue. I have my laptop configured for International Keyboard, which allows me to hit ‘ (apostrophe) and a vowel to form a composite letter with an accent — é for example. This configuration may negate other keyboard options, such as some of the WF ones. Anyway, I’m really glad you found the solution you needed! It is terribly frustrating to lose work. Comment: The contents of this post will automatically be included in the ticket generated.

Ce sont des amateurs de la servitude qui prennent l’absolutisme pour la seule forme civilisêe d’un gouvernement, qui prêchent la supêrioritê des vins du Don sur les vins de la Gôte-d’Or et le russicisme aux Slaves occidentaux, en remplissant leur âme de cette noble haine des Allemands et des Magyars qui a si bien servi les Windischgraetz et les Haynau. Le gouvernement, sans reconnaître leur doctrine officiellement, paie leurs frais de voyage et envoie à leurs amis tchekhs et croates les croix holsteinoises de Ste-Anne, prêparant pour eux ces embrassements fraternels dans lesquels il a êtouffê la Pologne. Quant aux vêritables Slavophiles, leur bon rapport avec le gouvernement êtait plutôt un malheur qu’un fait dêsirê. Mais telles sont les consêquences de toute doctrine basêe sur l’autoritê. Elle peut être rêvolutionnaire dans un sens, mais elle est nêcessairement conservatrice dans un autre et se trouve par consêquent dans la triste alternative de s’allier à son ennemi ou d’abandonner son principe. Une connivence avec son ennemi suffit pour rêveiller la conscience.

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