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↑ Досье: Бенедикт XVI. ↑ а б Pope criticizes age of «hedonism». ↑ Ian Fischer. Vatican Document Said to Ban Gay Priests. ↑ Ruth Gledhill. Pope condemns geneticists «who play at being God». ↑ Simon Caldwell. Pope sacks astronomer over evolution debate. ↑ Pope Criticizes Atheism in Encyclical. ↑ Pope Opposes Harry Potter Novels — Signed Letters from Cardinal Ratzinger Now Online. ↑ Muslims blast pope’s Islam speech. ↑ John Hooper. Pope Benedict’s long mission to confront radical Islam. ↑ Павел Коробов, Евгений Хвостик. Папа римский готов к визиту в Москву. ↑ Кого могут избрать новым главой РПЦ. ↑ Митрополит Кирилл встретился с понтификом. ↑ Philip Pullella, Thomas Grove. Pope, Patriarch kiss and make up. ↑ Наталья Меликова. Президент и Папа говорили на одном языке — немецком. ↑ Бенедикт XVI: «Россия — это поистине великая страна». ↑ Pope: financial crisis shows futility of money. ↑ Sua Santita’. Le Carte Segrete Di Benedetto XVI. ↑ Lettere a Benedetto XVI finite in un libro Il Vaticano denuncera furto e ricettazione. ↑ Vatileaks: 18 mesi per Paolo Gabriele «Ho agito per amore della Chiesa». ↑ Vatileaks, il tecnico Claudio Sciarpelletti condannato a due mesi. ↑ David Willey. Pope Benedict’s creature comforts.

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Rivers were to marry the beautiful widow! They would make a delightful couple. Considerations of ways and means entered no more into Mrs. Simpson’s calculations than they would have entered into little Enid’s. The building of her castles in the air was entirely independent of money. But there was, at bottom, a more common sensible reason which made the idea that Owen might marry Mrs. Bransby, agreeable to Amelia Simpson. In spite of the sympathy of Mr. Crump, the butcher, and other congenial spirits, it could not be denied that some rumours of a very unpleasant, sort had recently been circulated in Oldchester to the discredit of Mrs. Bransby. When it became known that young Rivers, on his return from Spain, was to live in her house, the rumours began to take a more definite shape. No one could trace them to their source—perhaps no one tried very seriously to do so.

De temps à autre, les nuages chassês par le vent dêcouvraient le croissant d’une lune pâle, et on voyait alors une tour à demi ruinêe, reste d’un château tombê en ruines. Sous une porte êcrasêe, qui menait autrefois au château, êtaient assis une dizaine de Finnois, petits de taille, rabougris, chêtifs, les cheveux blonds de lin. Leur langue, pour nous complètement êtrangère, êtonnait mes oreilles d’une manière dêsagrêable. Au-dessus de la porte êtait clouê un aigle empaillê. Un jeune homme, blond et svelte, la moustache retroussêe, le fusil derrière le dos, apparut et disparut en un instant. Il êtait dans un petit traîneau qu’il conduisait lui-même. L’attelage de son cheval, au lieu de se parer de l’arc en bois russe, faisait rêsonner une vingtaine de clochettes; un lêvrier courait après le traîneau, flairant la terre gelêe. En Livonie, en Courlande, il n’y a pas de villages pareils à ceux de la Russie. Ce sont des fermes dissêminêes autour d’un château.

Joshua Bragg picked up so much gold and silver. She would willingly have made as clean a sweep of all his treasure as any piratical Scandinavian who ever carried off the peaceful wealth of Kentish’villages. Neither craft nor valour were wanting to her. She made ingenious excuses to see him: —sometimes she wanted to consult him as to the investment of non-existent sums of money; sometimes to engage his presence at some fashionable gathering, where he was, of course, peculiarly fitted to shine. She sent in to his office little» perfumed notes, directed by the fair hand of Felicia in Brobdingnagian characters. Felicia herself, bright-eyed and crowned with gorgeous bonnets—spoil gallantly wrested from some lily-livered West End milliner, who had not the courage to refuse her credit, —sat by her mother’s side, and smiled with haughty fascination on Mr. Bragg, whenever he could be coaxed forth to speak with their ladyships at the carriage door.

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