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This arrangement suited Cecile, who much preferred breakfasting with Smithson in the housekeeper’s room to cutting bread-and-butter and pouring out milk-and-water in the nursery. As soon as the meal was over, May asked Harold for the loan of his golden half-sovereign. His first reply was a severe blow. «You mean that yellow sixpence papa gave me? May felt as though the child had struck her. «Papa put it into that little box with a slit in it. You can’t get it out. Nobody can get it out. It belohgs to me, you know; only I can’t buy anything with it. May coaxed him to bring the box to her room, and found that it was closed by a little cheap lock, which it would be perfectly easy to force open. When she proposed this strong measure to Harold, he demurred at first; but finally yielded, on his cousin’s saying that she wanted the money very much, and would be unhappy if she could not get it.

↑ The Economist: «US equivalents» (неопр.). Дата обращения: 3 декабря 2019. Архивировано 7 июня 2020 года. ↑ Over-the-Year Change in Unemployment Rates for States (англ.). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ Illinois lawmakers pass big tax hike to aid budget (англ.). Thomson Reuters. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ Illinois Sales Tax Reference Manual (англ.). Illinois Department of Revenue. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано из оригинала 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ 1 2 Doyne Horsley. ↑ Manufacturing in Illinois (англ.). Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано из оригинала 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ Introduction (англ.). Soy Stats. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ ЧИКАГО (город) (неопр.). Онлайн-энциклопедия «Кругосвет». Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2012. Архивировано 30 мая 2012 года. ↑ James Alfred Ellis. History of the Bunn Family in America. 1928. — 527 p.

↑ Луна образовалась от колоссального по масштабу столкновения земли с иной планетой? Архивная копия от 4 февраля 2020 на Wayback Machine Наука и жизнь. ↑ Canup, R. M.; Asphaug, E. (Fall Meeting 2001). «An impact origin of the Earth-Moon system» Архивная копия от 11 октября 2007 на Wayback Machine. U51A-02, American Geophysical Union. ↑ Halliday, A.N.; 2006: The Origin of the Earth; What’s New? ↑ Where did the Moon come from? (англ.). «When young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs.» Дата обращения: 14 июня 2013. Архивировано 14 июня 2013 года. ↑ High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC). StarChild Question of the Month for October 2001 (неопр.). NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Дата обращения: 20 апреля 2012. Архивировано 8 августа 2012 года. ↑ Liu, Lin-Gun. Chemical composition of the Earth after the giant impact (англ.) // Earth, Moon and Planets : journal.

As to her marrying the footman—it is clear, madam, that she might have married the hangman, for all the effort you would have made to prevent it, until Mrs. It was the first word he had. And it was the first word which gave her a momentary twinge of regret that his suit was altogether inadmissible. She contrasted his bearing with that of May’s two other’ wooers: —bransby the smooth, and Bragg the unpolished; and she said to herself with a sigh, that there was no doubt about this young man’s pedigree, and that« bon sang ne peut mentir.» But not therefore did she flinch from her position. She answered him in the same words she had used years ago to her brother, in that very room. Rivers. I assure you, it will not do! Then she bent her head with quiet grace, and moved to go away. «One instant, Mrs. Dormer-Smith!

«Heavens, what will Grandmother say? The two talked low to one another for a long time. Vera, with her grey head bowed before the cross. The supreme moment of my life has arrived. «What? Mavra, Anton, Ivan, Kusma! Mavra alone responded to the call. «What will Tatiana Markovna say? «What ideas my mad boy has! Berezhkov’s attitude. They exchanged ceremonious greetings. «What is the weather like? «Did you come by the ferry? «Yakob, Egorovna, Petrushka? Where are you? The servants, who had rushed in to answer the summons, hurried out. «Do you think you will be allowed to go? Volga. Is this the first year of our acquaintance? «Ah, Tatiana Markovna, I am so grateful to you, so grateful! She placed her hand on the bell, but Tatiana Markovna detained her. «Your horses are taken out. She threw her shawl and cap on the divan. «I can’t keep it up any longer! We are only teasing one another, Marfa Egorovna. «How you frightened me!

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