This can happen if another instance of this algorithm found the manifest to be 404 or 410 while this algorithm was waiting in the first step above. Let cache group be the application cache group identified by manifest URL. If these steps were invoked with a master resource, then add the resource, along with the resource’s Document, to cache group’s list of pending master entries. If these steps were invoked with a cache host, and the status of cache group is checking or downloading, then queue a post-load task to fire a simple event named checking that is cancelable at the ApplicationCache singleton of that cache host. The default action of this event must be, if the user agent shows caching progress, the display of some sort of user interface indicating to the user that the user agent is checking to see if it can download the application. If these steps were invoked with a cache host, and the status of cache group is downloading, then also queue a post-load task to fire a simple event named downloading that is cancelable at the ApplicationCache singleton of that cache host.
Eine schoene Republik, wo der Chef dieser Sant Anna, der groesste Dieb ist, der unverschaemteste Prahler, ein ganz unwissender Mensch; die Mitglieder der Regierung — Creaturen dieses Menschen; es existirt keine Oposition in der Kammer, und keine in der Presse! Fuer Volksaufklaerung geschieht nichts, fuer Ordnung und Sicherheit nichts, der Gang der Geschafte ist lau, ja unbegreiflich trage und das ist die einzige Folge der reprasentativen Regierung, die Langsamkeit der Geschaftsfuehrung wird nicht belohnt durch die Entwicklung von Freiheit und Umsicht einer Selbstregierung; nein alles gruendet sich auf personliche Interessen die ein jeder — Hoch oder Niedrig — zu erlangen immerwaehrend bemuht ist. Die Regierung ist in immerwahrender Geldverlegenheit. Strassenrauber werden nicht allein verfolgt, sondern geschoent und das grosste Lob fuer die niedrigen Klasse der Mexikaner ist grade die verhaltnissmaessig kleine Anzahl dieser Ruhestorer bei solcher schlechten Polizei und schwache Regierung; wurde es in Russland… Staedten ganz andere Dinge vorfallen als in Mexico. Der jetzige Finanz Minister, ich glaube Mengino, ist seit Januar in die Regierung getreten, er war frueher von der Santannaschen Partei verfolgt und gehort, wie auch Alaman, zu den Begunstigern der Alt Spanier, also so zu sagen zur aristokratischen Partei.
2. Any browsing context name stored with the entries in the history that are associated with Document objects with the same origin as the new active document, and that are contiguous with the specified entry, must be cleared. If the specified entry’s Document has any form controls whose autofill field name is «off», invoke the reset algorithm of each of those elements. If the current document readiness of the specified entry’s Document is «complete», queue a task to fire a pageshow event at the Window object of that Document, but with its target set to the Document object (and the currentTarget set to the Window object), using the PageTransitionEvent interface, with the persisted attribute initialized to true. This event must not bubble, must not be cancelable, and has no default action. Set the document’s address to the URL of the specified entry. If the specified entry has a URL whose fragment identifier differs from that of the current entry’s when compared in a case-sensitive manner, and the two share the same Document object, then let hash changed be true, and let old URL be the URL of the current entry and new URL be the URL of the specified entry.
Ce fut pourtantea capitaine qui nous-sauvala vie à tous. Premièrement ? en changeant, au: dernier moment: où l’on pouvait encore entrer dans la machine, la direction de notrernavire, qui, en filant tout’droit sur Lübeck, au lieu de: virer brusquement sur là côte, aurait infailli blement brûlé avant d’arriver au port; et deuxièmement, en ordonnant aux matelots-de tirer leurs; coutelas et der faire impitoyablement main basse surtoute personne qui essaierait detoucher à l’une des-deux chaloupes qui nous-restaient encore, les autres ayant chavire par l’inexpérience des passagers-qui avaient voulu les mettre à lamer. Les matelots, Danois pour la plupart, avec leurs figures énergiques et froides, et le reflet presque sanguinolent les-flammen sur les lames de leurs couteaux, inspiraient un respect involontaire. Il faisait une assez-forte bourrasque, elle futencore augmentée par Pineendie qui hurlait dans-un grand tiers du bâtiment. Je dois avouer, n’en déplaise à mon sexe, que les femmes, dans cette circonstance, montrèrent plus de courage que la plupart des hommes. Pâles-et blanches là nuit lès avait surprises dans leurs lits (elles n’avaient guère que leurs couvertures pour vêtement), ettout incrédule que j’étais déjà alors, elles me semblèrent des anges descendus dû ciel pournous faire honte et nous donner du cœur.
The customer’s wishes are fulfilled as they wanted, not as interpreted by the team. The customer has a clear understanding of what, how, when, with what risks, and at what cost will be obtained. The customer does not expect the impossible and is involved in decision-making and providing feedback. Both the team and the customer understand each other, and both the team and the customer are accountable for the deal. Aligning product goals with company objectives. Taking responsibility for the outcomes of all company products. Demonstrating leadership within the product domain. Serving as a role model in the application of Scrum, Agile, and company standards. Contributing to the development of the company’s long-term strategy. Defining strategies and opportunities for product diversification and increased product profitability. Co-creating development strategies with company leadership. Taking responsibility for post-sales and cross-sales within the company. Collaborating with company leadership to define strategies and opportunities for improving Time to Market. Collaborating with various company departments (including Sales/Marketing) to improve Time to Market through process optimization.