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Calendar 2020 is defined as a particular list wherein all the days are marked for different and varied occasions because of several social, religious commercial and administrative reasons. The significance of calendars cannot be circumvented in a multicultural country such as India, which holds an amalgamation of different castes, creeds, beliefs, and religions. You might not know but it is true that calendar can also vary on the basis of states. For example, some calendars might mark a day auspicious to their state and observe it as a holiday, while for the others, it has no such meaning and is observed as a working day. India is a fairly diverse country and every religion is respected, so it is right to say that there are a number of calendars followed in the country both regionally and nationally. According to the national terms, there are three major occasions celebrated all across the country, including Independence Day on 15th August, Republic Day on 26th January and Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October.
These are also said to be the national holidays and no activity other than dedicated to the country is followed here. In order to understand the type and the significance of every calendar in the country, the following significance has to be studied. Calendar 2020: Why Is It Important To Have? India is one of those countries in the world that has a proper and exalting blend of different cultures, traditions, religions, thoughts, beliefs. And therefore our country is said to be a rich diversity of what we have. According to the constitution of the country, every Indian citizen has the right to follow any religion, culture, routine and so they are not forced to just represent the culture of the majority. For the same reason, we have so many different festivals to be celebrated every now and then and also there are so many important facts and holidays observed by the people of the country, whether national or international.
This is what amazes every foreigner who walks over our lands and this is really something truly awe-inspiring. To be specific, there are so many holidays and festivals that are celebrated in the country that it gets difficult to remember every specific festival and significant day. For the same reason, calendars were developed. These calendars help in marking the most important days in the entire year starting from January to December so that people can just have a look and remember the day and its importance. Calendars for the same reason play a very important role in the lives of people in the country. There are a number of calendars used in the country, both national and regional and are used as the sources of knowing the right date or any particular holiday or festival on that date. It helps people to fix their routine well in advance and plan out everything correctly, be it an important meeting or any specific plan or celebration.