Even The Smallest Roles (Abhishek’s Father

We went to watch the late night show of Guru on Sunday evening and I must admit, in recent times, it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. There was not one moment which i regretted while watching this wonderful movie with the best in all departments. Full marks to Mani Ratnam and the whole cast. It is difficult to come out of a movie happy, yet charmed and to feel so proud of astute vision (also,to be an Indian if you are overseas!) Before I start raving about Abhishek and Aishwarya..have a couple of important things to do. Even the smallest roles (Abhishek’s father, his mother,Aishwarya’s father, her mother,the committee head and so many others) were done sincerely by actors who are very good at what they do but are unsung heroes in Indian Cinema..I mean i do see them in good, intense roles but because there is no glamor attached, I cannot recall their names.

I was so overwhelmed;On serious thoughts, I thought let me do the worst job and then start the raves and praises! And last but not the least, Mithun da deserved more screen time, given his powerful performance! Nonetheless, this media called cinema has matchless power to shape and influence minds. The analogy drawn with Dhirubhai Ambani was just too good! I mean I know about his milestone work in industry, trade and commerce, but never would have wanted to read a biography on him. Now I am really curious and am inclined to dig the net.Let me clarify, not to come out and mock on how he made it big by breaking/making/kicking/obeying rules. But to know more about VISIONARY and ENTREPRENEURIAL thinking! One of the most touching statements to prove this point were made by Abhishek Bachan (Gurubhai)when he justified his stand. India stiffled business growth in that era. A typical ‘rags to riches’ story (I am stealing my husband’s expression:D) but done so well with ‘into the character’ acting by everybody.

How Abhishek managed to get all the Gujju expression (just part of his character) to portray his larger than life vision in life speaks volumes about his homework for this film. Being born and brought up in that region myself(Western India), I am totally familiar with local talk-walk! He looked so ordinary, yet he did such extra-ordinary things! In fact, in this context, the actor-character line looked so bleak. I did not know whom to reckon with more, with Abhishek for being Abhishek Bachan the son of Amitabh Bachan or with the so obvious Dhirubhai reference! Aiswarya Rai was so down-to-earth, identifiable in this movie. I really liked her work and also appreciated how she chose to dance a little awkwardly in ‘Barso Re Megha Megha’ (despite the fact that she is a perfect dancer) just to portray that rusty, village belly gal! I love to listen and listen to some of the songs, especially ‘Aye Hairathe’ which is so soulful, so meaningful, so heart rending! Mithun Chakravarty played Nanaji so effortlessly; Have to agree that everybody was so right in their own shoes in this movie whether it was to promote the virtue of honesty, simplicity, clear vision or simple regard and respect for spouses, elders etc; that it was difficult to point out who was right and who was wrong. Mithun did not come out as a villain neither did Madhavan. Even I knew that Guru had paved his path with dirt smeared here and there, he did not seem to wrong at all. It was a true work which is really inspiring and totally keeps you thinking! From my side, everybody on the crew deserves one!

Muchas empresas comenzaron el año con nuevos ataques, a tono con la política de Milei sobre las y los estatales. Dass (calzado), Euro y Las Heras (frigorífico), Bajo Hondo (molinos), Lipo (alimentación), Radio Victoria (metalúrgica), Ideal San Justo (transporte), en pocos días. Pero hubo respuestas a esos ataques, con asambleas, paros, piquetes e incluso una ocupación. El golpe a los espacios de la memoria se convierte en una pelea que va más allá de los puestos de trabajo. Hay que organizar la resistencia. En el portón de Dass, la fabricante de Adidas y Nike en Argentina, hay un cartel muy simbólico. “Nuevo año, nuevos desafíos”. Pero el mensaje “motivacional” empresario escondía una cachetada a los obreros y obreras del calzado, que el 2 de enero recibieron un telegrama de despido. Son 360 telegramas en total, porque la multinacional anunció su cierre. El método de los despidos sorpresivos, entre las fiestas, por whatsapp, telegrama o en el molinete de ingreso, lo repitieron varias empresas.

Otras prefirieron pagar sueldos por la mitad. Seguramente los patrones esperaban que los trabajadores agachen la cabeza y se queden en sus casas. Si total la CGT está durmiendo desde mayo, no se va a despertar justo ahora. Se equivocaron. En el frigorífico Euro (Gálvez) montaron piquetes en la puerta y tuvo que aparecer el sindicato y los funcionarios del gobernador Pullaro para dictar la conciliación con los trabajadores “adentro”. En General Las Heras las obreras y obreros de la carne se cansaron de que los “descansen” y se congregaron en las puertas. Llegó el sindicato de la carne. Hace un mes decidieron ocupar la empresa “para evitar el vaciamiento”. En la Pesquera Rawson (Chubut) montaron un acampe contra 11 despidos y los incumplimientos salariales de la empresa. En la electrónica Radio Victoria despidieron trabajadores en medio de las fiestas y la comisión interna tomó una medida de fuerza. Ya reincorporaron a dos pero hay conciliación.

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