Двойная шестёрка Шлефли, состоящая из 30 точек и 12 прямых, по две прямые на точку и по пять точек на одной прямой. ↑ 1 2 На английском языке — quadrangle и quadrilateral, что на русский переводится в обоих случаях как четырёхугольник. Однако здесь речь идёт о разных фигурах. Leah W. Berman. Movable (n4) configurations // The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Т. 13, вып. 1. — С. A. Betten, G. Brinkmann, T. Pisanski. Counting symmetric configurations // Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2000. — Т. 99, вып. 1-3. — С. 331-338. — doi:10.1016/S0166-218X(99)00143-2.. H.S.M. Coxeter. Self-dual configurations and regular graphs // The Beauty of Geometry. Peter Dembowski. Finite geometries. Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1968. — Т. Band 44. — (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete). Harald Gropp. On the existence and non-existence of configurations nk // Journal of Combinatorics and Information System Science. 1990. — Т. 15. — С. Harald Gropp. Configurations and their realization // Discrete Mathematics. 1997. — Т. 174, вып. 1-3. — С. 137-151. — doi:10.1016/S0012-365X(96)00327-5.. Branko Grünbaum. The Coxeter Legacy: Reflections and Projections / Chandler Davis, Erich W. Ellers. American Mathematical Society, 2006. — С. Branko Grünbaum. Configurations of Points and Lines. American Mathematical Society, 2009. — Т. 103. — (Graduate Studies in Mathematics). David Hilbert, Stephan Cohn-Vossen. Geometry and the Imagination. L. M. Kelly. A resolution of the Sylvester-Gallai problem of J. P. Serre // Discrete and Computational Geometry. 1986. — Т. 1, вып. 1. — С. 101-104. — doi:10.1007/BF02187687.. Tomaž Pisanski, Brigitte Servatius. Configurations from a Graphical Viewpoint. Weisstein, Eric W. Configuration (англ.) на сайте Wolfram MathWorld.
1、【中国】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com,live.cn。 2、【香港】outlook.com,hotmail.com.hk,hotmail.com,live.hk。 3、【台湾】outlook.com,hotmail.com.tw,hotmail.com,livemail.tw。 4、【日本】outlook.jp,outlook.com,hotmail.co.jp,live.jp。 5、【韩国】outlook.kr,outlook.com,hotmail.co.kr,hotmail.com,live.co.kr。 6、【美国】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com。 7、【英国】outlook.com,hotmail.co.uk,live.co.uk。 8、【法国】outlook.fr,outlook.com,hotmail.fr,live.fr。 9、【加拿大】outlook.com,hotmail.ca,hotmail.com,live.ca。 10、【澳大利亚】outlook.com,outlook.com.au,hotmail.com,hotmail.com.au,live.com.au。 11、【新加坡】outlook.sg,outlook.com,hotmail.sg,hotmail.com,live.com.sg。 12、【新西兰】outlook.co.nz,outlook.com,hotmail.co.nz,live.com。 13、【德国】outlook.de,outlook.com,hotmail.de,hotmail.com,live.de。 14、【墨西哥】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com.mx。 15、【爱尔兰】outlook.ie,outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.ie。 16、【印度】outlook.com,outlook.in,hotmail.com,hotmail.co.in,live.in。 1、【中国】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com,live.cn。 2、【香港】outlook.com,hotmail.com.hk,hotmail.com,live.hk。 3、【台湾】outlook.com,hotmail.com.tw,hotmail.com,livemail.tw。 4、【日本】outlook.jp,outlook.com,hotmail.co.jp,live.jp。 5、【韩国】outlook.kr,outlook.com,hotmail.co.kr,hotmail.com,live.co.kr。 6、【美国】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com。 7、【英国】outlook.com,hotmail.co.uk,live.co.uk。 8、【法国】outlook.fr,outlook.com,hotmail.fr,live.fr。 9、【加拿大】outlook.com,hotmail.ca,hotmail.com,live.ca。 10、【澳大利亚】outlook.com,outlook.com.au,hotmail.com,hotmail.com.au,live.com.au。 11、【新加坡】outlook.sg,outlook.com,hotmail.sg,hotmail.com,live.com.sg。 12、【新西兰】outlook.co.nz,outlook.com,hotmail.co.nz,live.com。 13、【德国】outlook.de,outlook.com,hotmail.de,hotmail.com,live.de。 14、【墨西哥】outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.com.mx。 15、【爱尔兰】outlook.ie,outlook.com,hotmail.com,live.ie。 16、【印度】outlook.com,outlook.in,hotmail.com,hotmail.co.in,live.in。 微软的邮箱有很有,中国大陆常见的是@live.com、@live.cn、@hotmail.com以及@outlook.com。
Akron, Ohio: Taylor & Francis, 1974. — Т. 44, № 5. — С. ↑ а б Jon Kogut, Thomas F. Tomb, Paul S. Parobeck, Andrew J. Gero & Karen L. Suppers. Measurement precision with the coal mine dust personal sampler // Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Taylor & Francis, 1997. — Т. 12, № 12. — С. ↑ Kenneth L. Rubow, Virgil A. Marple, John Olin & Michael A. McCawley. A personal cascade impactor: design, evaluation and calibration // AIHA & ACGIH American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. Akron, Ohio: Taylor & Francis, 1987. — Т. 48, № 6. — С. ↑ William C. Hinds. Aerosol technology: properties, behavior, and measurement of airborne particles. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1982. — 424 p. ↑ David L. Bartley. Definition and assessment of sampling and analytical accuracy // The British Occupational Hygiene Society The Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001. — Т. 45, № 5. — С. ↑ Marvin W. Blachman & Morton Lippmann. Performance characteristics of the multicyclone aerosol sampler // AIHA & ACGIH American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. Akron, Ohio: Taylor & Francis, 1974. — Т. 35, № 6. — С. ↑ а б J.C. ↑ David L. Bartley, Shulman SA, Schlecht PC. NIOSH manual of analytical methods (NMAM). 4th ed.. — Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2003. — P. 208-228 — (DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. ↑ Thomas M. Peters & Jon C. Volkwein. Analysis of sampling line bias on respirable mass measurement // Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. Taylor & Francis, 2003. — Т. 18, № 6. — С. ↑ U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration. MSHA standardized information system (Teradata), coal dust data.
↑ Randall Mikkelsen. Obama names Panetta, Blair as top spymasters. ↑ Leon Panetta: CIA Director. ↑ David Ignatius. A Surprise for Langley. ↑ а б Ted Barrett; Pam Benson. Senate confirms Panetta as CIA director. ↑ Leon E. Panetta. A Message from Director Panetta. ↑ Paul Kane. Pelosi Accuses CIA of ‘Misleading’ Her on Interrogations. ↑ Perry Bacon Jr., Joby Warrick. CIA Chief Rebuts Pelosi’s Charges. ↑ Dan De Luce. CIA rejects charge it deceived Congress on interrogations. ↑ House Dems: Panetta testified CIA has misled Congress repeatedly. ↑ Jonathan Karl, John Hendren. Secret CIA Program Targeted Senior Al-Qaeda Leadership. ↑ Pamela Hess. National Security Council refereeing as CIA, intel director wage turf battle on overseas posts. ↑ David Ignatius. Duel of the Spy Chiefs. ↑ Walter Pincus. Senate Panel Backs DNI In Turf Battle With CIA. ↑ Brian Ross, Jake Tapper, Richard Episto, Nick Schifrin. Osama Bin Laden Killed By Navy Seals in Firefight. ↑ Statement from President Obama on death of Osama bin Laden. ↑ How U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden. ↑ Steve Holland, Jeff Mason. Osama bin Laden killed in shootout, Obama says. ↑ Julianna Goldman. Osama Bin Laden Killed in U.S. ↑ Matt Apuzzo. Inside the raid that killed bin Laden. ↑ Obama shuffles familiar faces in key security roles. ↑ Carl Hulse. 100-to-0 Vote Puts Panetta in Top Post. ↑ Susan Cornwell. Senate confirms Panetta as Pentagon chief. ↑ Alan Silverleib. Panetta takes control of Pentagon. ↑ New US defense chief sees tough choices on budget. ↑ Matt Spetalnick, Alister Bull. Petraeus sworn in as new CIA chief.
Use if you have the time printed with many fractional digits and want to consume the input. Note that the number of
S characters provided is only relevant when parsing in strict mode. In standard mode, S, SS, SSS, SSSS are all equivalent, and interpreted as fractions of a second. For example, .12 is always 120 milliseconds, passing SS will not cause it to be interpreted as 12 milliseconds. Unless you specify a time zone offset, parsing a string will create a date in the current time zone. Era support was added in 2.25.0. The tokens/API are still in flux. Valid will return false. As of version 2.0.0, a locale key can be passed as the third parameter to moment() and moment.utc(). Moment’s parser is very forgiving, and this can lead to undesired/unexpected behavior. Previous to 2.13.0 the parser exhibited the following behavior. This has been corrected. As of version 2.3.0, you may specify a boolean for the last argument to make Moment use strict parsing. Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimeters. You can use both locale and strictness. Strict parsing is frequently the best parsing option. For more information about choosing strict vs forgiving parsing, see the parsing guide. By default, two digit years above 68 are assumed to be in the 1900’s and years 68 or below are assumed to be in the 2000’s. This can be changed by replacing the moment.parseTwoDigitYear method. The only argument of this method is a string containing the two years input by the user, and should return the year as an integer.