↑ Margaret Kane. Google searches out an e-tail niche. ↑ Elinor Mills. Google takes the pun out of shopping. ↑ Thomas Claburn. Google Rebrands Froogle, Adds Personalization Features. ↑ Google vs. The world. ↑ Mylene Mangalindan, Nick Wingfield. Can’t Find a Book Excerpt? ↑ Eric Auchard. Google, libraries post first batch of books online. ↑ Rob Lever. Now it’s Google books in print, on line. ↑ Janis Mara. Google Acquires Picasa. ↑ Jacqueline Emigh. Google Acquires Picasa, Fends Off Competition. ↑ David Pogue. New Ways To Manage Your Photos. ↑ Leslie Walker. Free From Google, Updated Photo-Editing. ↑ Matthew Hicks. Google Launches Maps with Local Ties. ↑ Matthew Hicks. Google Earth Ready to Travel the World. ↑ Lisa Baertlein. Google to test e-mail in challenge to rivals. ↑ Michael Liedtke. Google entering free e-mail fray, but letters will lead to advertising. ↑ Eric Auchard. Google puts instant message service inside e-mail.
Nous ne sommes point parvenus à une stabilitê dêterminêe, nous la cherchons, nous aspirons à un ordre social plus conforme à notre nature et nous restons dans un provisoire arbitraire, le dêtestant et l’acceptant, voulant nous en dêfaire et le subissant à contre-cœur. Eux, au contraire, ils sont de vêritables conservateurs, ils ont beaucoup perdu, et ils craignent de perdre le reste. Nous n’avons qu’à gagner, nous n’avons rien à perdre. Nous obêissons par contrainte, nous prenons les lois qui nous rêgissent pour des prohibitions, pour des entraves et nous les enfreignons lorsque nous le pouvons ou l’osons; sous ce rapport point de scrupule. Chez eux, au contraire, une partie de la loi est prise au sêrieux; l’enfreindre serait un crime à leurs propres yeux. Cette partie soutient l’autre, dont l’absurditê est êvidente pour tous. Ils ont une moralitê fixe — nous, un instinct moral. Ils ont sur nous l’avantage d’avoir des règles positives, êlaborêes; ils appartiennent à la grande civilisation europêenne.
It has an advantage over physical destination mode as it allows to target multiple CPUs at once with IPIs. That advantage was definitely worth it when systems with up to 8 CPUs were state of the art for servers and workstations, but that’s history. In the recent past there were quite some reports of new laptops failing to boot with logical destination mode, but they work fine with physical destination mode. That’s not a suprise because physical destination mode is guaranteed to work as it’s the only way to get a CPU up and running via the INIT/INIT/STARTUP sequence. Some of the affected systems were cured by BIOS updates, but not all OEMs provide them. As the number of CPUs keep increasing, logical destination mode becomes less used and the benefit for small systems, like laptops, is not really worth the trouble. So just remove logical destination mode support for 64bit and be done with it. Code and comment cleanups in the APIC area.
↑ Will Hanafin. The new brat pack. ↑ Danna Harman. Mr. Soros goes at Washington. ↑ Cameron relives Black Wednesday. ↑ Will Woodward. Cameron call for ban backfires. ↑ Stafford 1997 election result. ↑ Graham Brough. Exclusive: David Cameron’s hunt first on fox killing charge. ↑ George Jones, Brendan Carlin. Total ban on smoking in pubs, clubs and at work. ↑ Matthew Holehouse. Duncan slams Lib Dems in gay rights row. ↑ The shadow cabinet. ↑ Tania Branigan, Michael White. Cameron defends drinks industry links — and tells Paxman where he’s going wrong. ↑ Ian King. Alli toying with Noddy. ↑ а б Paul Majendie. Resurgent Tories at 15-year poll high. ↑ Cameron attacks ‘past it’ Brown. ↑ No day for triumph, says Cameron. ↑ Labour increases poll lead over Tories on economy. ↑ David Byers. Under-pressure David Cameron issues election call to Gordon Brown. ↑ Gordon Brown «stepping down as Labour leader». ↑ Paul Taylor. British political cycle ends with no vista.