«Witty And Witless

Il s’imaginait être êminemment pratique, parce qu’il prêchait un matêrialisme thêorique, et, comme tous les thêoriciens, il a êtê dêpassê par d’autres thêoriciens beaucoup plus abstraits, mais qui avaient des convictions ardentes, ce qui est infiniment plus pratique et plus près de l’action que la practologie. Ridiculisant tout ce qu’il y a de plus sacrê pour l’homme, Sênkof ski, sans le vouloir, dêtruisait dans les esprits le monarchisme. Prêchant le confort, les joies sensuelles, il amenait les hommes à la pensêe très simple qu’il est impossible de jouir en pensant continuellement aux gendarmes, aux dênonciations et à la Sibêrie, que la peur n’est pas confortable, et qu’il n’y a pas d’homme qui puisse bien dîner s’il ne sait pas où il couchera. Sênkofski êtait de son temps; en balayant à l’entrêe d’une nouvelle êpoque, il mêlait des objets de valeur avec la poussière, mais il dêblayait le terrain pour un autre temps qu’il ne comprenait pas.

At another time, May would have had a keen and enjoying sense of the comic elements in this little scene; but although she saw them now as distinctly as she ever could have done, she was too unhappy to enjoy them. «This is Mrs. Simpson, Aunt Pauline. Now, Pauline was not prepared to break altogether with Mrs. Dobbs. Mrs. Dobbs had behaved very badly in that matter of young Rivers; but something must be excused to ignorance; and her allowance for May continued to be paid up every quarter with exemplary punctuality. Let matters turn out as well as possible, there must still be a » meantime » during which Mrs. Dobbs’s money would be valuable—and, indeed, indispensable—if May were to remain under her aunt’s roof. It occurred to Pauline to invite this incredibly attired person to share Cecile’s early dinner in the housekeeper’s room, and then to withdraw herself and May on the plea of some imaginary engagement. She was just about to carry out this idea when the reiteration of a name in Mrs.

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