«Why, then, I’m ashamed of you, May! «Oh, thank you, Granny! And May seized her grandmother’s hands one after the other as the old woman drew them away impatiently, and kissed them in a kind of rapture. This little scene, with but slight variations, had been enacted several times since May’s arrival on the previous evening at Jessamine Cottage. May had ceased to make any excuses for herself, or to endeavour to describe and account for her state of mind. She was only too thankful to have her doubts treated with supreme disdain. To be scolded and chidden, and told that she did not deserve such a true lover as Owen, was such happiness as she could not be grateful enough for! «Jealous of Owen because a parcel of mischievous magpies had nothing better to do than to dig their foolish bills into a poor widow’s reputation? Why, I think you must have had softening of the brain!
Russia for him better than the lectures of his professors. Moscow seemed to him to be a miniature tsardom. Tatars, Cossacks of the Don. The varied life attracted him. «Which service do you mean to enter? » the Dean asked him one day. ’s time you will be leaving the University. «What profession have you selected? «But that is not a profession. You may write verses and yet… «Naturally, you can write stories as well. The Dean smiled. «You begin by being an ensign, that is comprehensible. Raisky moved among the golden youth of St. Civil Service in its turn to enter the Academy of Arts. The universal summer exodus from the capital had driven him abroad. Do not defer your coming, but gladden your Grandmother’s heart. I shall die happy. So long as you remain unmarried they cannot live in your house. Marry, please your Grandmother, and God will not forsake you. «Tiet Nikonich desires to be remembered to you.
Entertainment Weekly PopWatch (2 февраля 2011). Дата обращения: 17 января 2012. Архивировано 10 января 2012 года. ↑ Oh 2015, p. ↑ Oh 2015, p. ↑ Oh 2015, p. ↑ Kang, Myoung-Seok (2009-09-30). «10LINE: Won Bin». ↑ Kang, Myoung-Seok (2010-08-04). «INTERVIEW: Actor Won Bin — Part 1». 10 Asia. ↑ Kang, Myoung-Seok (2010-08-04). «INTERVIEW: Actor Won Bin — Part 2». 10 Asia. ↑ Kang, Myoung-Seok (2010-08-04). «INTERVIEW: Actor Won Bin — Part 3». 10 Asia. ↑ K-Drama for Beginners (неопр.). The Daily Star. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2019. Архивировано 24 января 2018 года. ↑ Lee Hana. Korean dramas to air during Myanmar New Year (неопр.). Дата обращения: 18 мая 2019. Архивировано 27 августа 2018 года. ↑ Korean fever strikes Bhutan (неопр.). InsideAsean. Архивировано 2 июля 2017 года. ↑ Margherita Stancati. Does Bhutan Love Bollywood Too Much? WSJ. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2019. Архивировано 9 апреля 2018 года. ↑ Korean Wave washes over Brunei (неопр.). The Brunei Times. Архивировано 25 ноября 2015 года.
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