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«Yes; she lives in a house with a rather good garden, not far from here. The situation is a little inconvenient for her profession, I fancy. But she has invalid relatives, to whom the garden is a great boon. We met accidentally in the street one day, and she recognized me at once. Mrs. Simpson, «For the heart, » dear Mrs. Bransby, «that once truly loves, never forgets, but as fondly loves on to the ‘ Not, of course, that there was anything beyond the very slightest acquaintance between you and Miss Bertram in Oldcnester. At this point Mr. Bragg got up to take his leave. This brought that lady » to her legs » in more senses than one. She favoured Mr. Bragg with a long and enthusiastic address, embracing an extraordinary variety of topics, from the proud pre-eminence of British commerce, to the force of friendship as portrayed in the classical example of Damon and Pythias. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days o’ lang syne?

And as to the family—Mr. Bragg would probably take Owen into partnership. He was evidently devotedly fond of them both! She had privately arranged the details of the wedding in her own mind before Owen returned from conducting Mr. Bragg to his cab. When he did so, Mrs. Simpson declared it was time for her to go, and got up from her chair. But between that and her actual departure a great many words had still to intervene. She reverted to the death in the Castlecombe family; made a brief excursion to the report of Captain Cheffingtons second marriage, «truly deplorable! But still, or dear Miranda is happily launched among the élite of the beau monde, so, perhaps, it is not so bad after all! «By the way, dear Mrs. Bransby, it was reported that your stepson, Mr. Theodore, intended to withdraw his candidature at the next election. But I am told on the best authority— Mr.

There will be cases where we want to consider a single page as a container and in other cases, we might want to consider the same page as an atomic entity. The flexibility of MCF allows us this freedom. Subject The category of subjects. An example is the Arts category in Yahoo! Developer portion of the Netscape Website. Its superType is ContentContainer. WebSite A web site. Its superType is ContentContainer. Page A document. Could be a WordPerfect document on a PC or a web page or even a FileMaker database. Its superType is Content. Agent The concept of an Agent is a general one intended to cover people, robots, organizations, etc. Its superType is Unit. Organization Examples include Apple Computer, United States and the Peace Corps. Organizations are mutually disjoint with people. Its superType is Agent. Person The category of people. Its superType is Agent. Its superType is Content. NaturalLanguage Examples include English, French, etc.

49, N 3, p. Lenhart S.W. and D.L. Campbell // The Annals of Occupational Hygiene 1984, Vol. 28, N 2, p. Letter to the Editor // American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1982, Vol. 43, N 12, p. Letter to the Editor // American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1983, Vol. 44, N 3, p. Letter to the Editor (respirator performance terminology) // American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1985, Vol. 46, N 5, p. Lif A., C. Brohede et al. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 1993, Vol. 65, N 1, p. Limasset J.C., P. Simon et al. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 1999, Vol. 72, N 1, p. Marshal S. Levin // American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1979. Vol. 40, N 9, p. Miller J.D. NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic. Moore D.E., Smith T.J. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 1976, Vol. 37, N 8, p. Myers W.R., M.J. Peach III // The Annals of Occupational Hygiene 1983, Vol. 27, N 3, p.

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